Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Blogspot

dear readers (i dont have many i guess :))

its been long since i blogged on this platform, used FB on many occasions during the last year and it seems that FB policies made me shun away from the same, i have decided to embark on a new journey, a journey where words will find more meaning and a journey which will make me go back to a more open culture where my content will be shared in a way that helps me to improve upon every time i write, i thought it was my moral obligation to state the same on this page, i'm not sure where will this take me to however i'm not denying the fact that i might just come back and start the blog all over again, as my friends would say i often have taken a leap into the unknown and jumped back to safety just in time, so here i am saying you b' bye and i will try to live upto my and your own expectations...

take care and carpe diem

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