Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to College (Bucket list)

"Back to college" Well Well Well..this is a topic i have been trying to think/strike off from my conscience since a long long time..though none of midnight talks shared with Sonia (my best half), Sid, DK, pankaj have ended conclusively but it seems that most of my friends (or call them IT weary homo sapiens who just don't want to give in to the fact that they are neither engineers nor managers now) are vying to go back to college.

I know most of these guys well and i can easily say that they are simple people and they love their simplicity but to the outside world they have been and they will always be rockstar's whom people idolize and immortalize/epitomize in their dreams. So in order to maintain that so called social lead/Stature all of us are trying to become something which we are not and never intend to become. Most of us except for my best half intend to join a b school and we have been silently acknowledging this fact, Though We fearlessly say/feel that we dont need a B-School but deep inside our hideous minds we know that this is something that is inevitable in the near/far future.

My reasons of doing an MBA and going back to college are simple yet complex and can easily perplex the best minds of the world, Even though i can play well with words but somehow i fail to answer the simple question "Why MBA", I do not intend to break any glass ceilings by doing the same. People who know me without my usual charm in place know that i barely managed to make it in time the last time i went to college. I think Divyank/Richa/KV and would know really well how i made it thru :) (cheers guys i still love u for what u did for me)

Anyways i do not want to waste time on what and how will i go back to B-School because that entails facing the fact that I might not be cut for the same and I'm not willing to face this music which burns my dreams. Today i gather my Wish List of what i would do when i return to college this time:

1.I want to Study this time and be serious this time. (Lol i can hear the accusatory halo in my ears but for the sake of this blog i still wrote that down)
2.I want to lead all academic initiatives this includes standing for the Class representative elections and rigging the same (Sid help me with this part)
3.I want to be a CONSULTANT when i sit for my campus interviews(Aditya Sharma i can see u Smiling)
4.I want to be Mr Fresher and Mr fareWell this time around ( Bharat gupta and Ankush Datta please excuse this time)
5.I want to Clear All exams in first attempt (Divyank this is one think which i want to do for both of us)
6.I Want to attend all booze parties and try to drink ( Sonia try skipping this part :))
7.Last but not the least, I want to drive a landi jeep everyday to college (Udit u heard it rite)

Guys MBA or no MBA i guess its high time we start enjoying the finer things in life..I have decide to do MBA even from IIPM or Rai university what matters is not MBA but my bucket list this time :) :)

Please feel free to add anything that i should be doing this time around..