Saturday, September 15, 2012

Adarsh Bharat Ka Beta

Adarsh starts from his home, he clenches his satchel close to his chest, The satchel is torn from edges and name of a famous IT company inscribed on it clearly indicating that it was clearly picked up from some dustbin. On the way to the river which offered him much needed solace, The village urchins try to tease him with all kinds of silly pranks, adarsh’s eyes are  filled with determination that he needs to get quickly to the riverbed before the sunset, finally his feet help him run like wind and ends up near the riverbed and starts his daily homework ritual, he tries his best to learn everything, As dusk breaks and sun is getting ready to embrace the night, he gathers his books and sets of in direction of his father’s workplace.

Adarsh’s father is Bharat who is an excellent potter, he is busy in preparing the kiln in which he has to leave the earthenware overnight so that when he comes in the morning they are ready to be painted and be sent in different directions, he enquires Adarsh about his daily ramblings and decides that Adarsh deserves better place to study, onhis way back he goes back to to the village moneylender and pawns his only wordly possession “his workshop” for getting a loan to get Adarsh admitted to a urban school.Moneylender is a good man and intimates that he should set immediately towards the school as they close admissions tomorrow by 10, so the father son duo set immediately in a rickety bus towards their destination, on the way the bus stops for some refreshment for the conductor and driver, A salesman gets on the bus and starts selling beer, Clearly bharat is shocked to see that beer is openly in a bus Adarsh asks him all sorts of questions about beer and the father feels
ashamed about what answers he needs to give to his son.

They reach the City in 6 hours and wait for dawn, The sun shines with its eternal glory and they set foot towards the school, Adarsh gets admitted to the school and he gets a new dress and a set of new books, bharat asks the
principal if he could stay for half a day and attend classes with his son, the principal nods in agreement. The first class is an English class and to bharat’s astonishment the children are being taught English in a strange fashion, A for apple, B for Bomb..did he hear it it cannot be, then Comes C for cannot be the kids
cannot be taught these things at such a tender age, blood rushes in the eyes of bharat who thinks that his son will learn all this nonsense and become a goon, he quickly gets up and takes bharat by arm and drags him all the way to the bus, Adarsh keeps sobbing all the time but his wails have no effect whatsoever on Bharat.He cries profusely because he is unable to understand his father’s delima, he fell’s asleep on his lap when they reach his father's workshop, his father is seen tearing up his books and putting the papers in the kiln he knows that all that fire is at this moment gutting his son's ethreal dreams, a dream of learning the alphabet, the dream of learning his mathematical tables, the dream of learning history of his great nation, the dream of becoming equal amongst unequals but bharat does not want adarsh to embibe this gun culture which has long invaded
his home state….

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Sometimes I sit back and  wonder we all suffer from inhibitions and have one thing or the other that we do not want to try out or speak of, but wait a minute why cannot we speak of a certain topic, in the age of internet when bandwidth is so wide that I sometimes feel that I can crawl through these LAN cables ( sorry my emotions sometimes make me realize I will always be a windows admin) so coming back to why cannot we talk about all topics openly, I’m not talking about serious issues like child molestation and all, I’m talking about certain taboo’s that we carry within, Let’s take my own example I simply simply hate the fact that I cannot control my diet regime  and I’m averse to the idea of discussing diet charts with anyone and everyone around but I met someone who seemed to have a taboo associated with the place where they hail from,  does this feeling make them vulnerable to anything at all, an hours thinking later i arrived at a conclusion.

There is a saying that we all love to say “You can take an Indian out of India but you cannot take India out of an Indian ” makes us feel proud isn’t it, however having said that do we actually feel Indians at all, I mean how many us do not suffer from punjabism (yeah yeah we heard the song punjabiyan di shaan vakhri), how many of us call people from north east as CHIN**, how many of us feel  biharis should be banished from Mumbai (sorry mr Raj thackrey for voicing your sentiments), how many of us view even a JK01 numbered car with suspicion, how many of us feel that being from Chennai gives us an intellectual advantage, how many of us feel that Goa is just a cheap place to get drunk and get high on drugs, how many of us feel that Haryanvis are mostly jatts and they have sold all land in Gurgaon to buy powerfull SUV’s and Gun’s.
I think it’s the way we are conditioned to think, it’s baggage you carry from your family, friends and people around, but still when india wins the world cup or is always at a silent proxy war with its neighbors ( Nepal and Burma guys you are too sweet to understand this shit) we showcase comadrie , so why do not we break these chained thoughts why do not we accommodate everyone in our circle of affection, why cannot we act as one nation.

Most corporates have a general saying “…we do not distinguish on basis of caste creed and color” yet we see this happening near coffee vending machines of air conditioned offices, yet we are an active participant of the same, yet we silently ignore comments, yet we join jokes like these.

Why cannot our nation truly adopt these sayings which people say is part of our constitution, And not just adopt but incorporate a sense of oneness amongst ourselves, I have decided to try doing the same, my apologies to anyone and everyone whom I have called “Chin**” or a “Bihari” or “Tambi” but guys I never wanted anyone of you to feel alienated in any part of India.

I understand the fact that we are all grown up and we have made our opinions based on experience but let us for sake of mother India lets show the world we are proud of us ourselves. Feel good about the fact that you hail from a certain part of India, do not ever conceal it and do not ever think people will make a perception associated with the same, because if you do there are chances that you do not feel proud as a nation and do not like being called an Indian.

So singh sahib (name concealed for unknown reason) the next time whenever somebody ask’s where do you hail from, spread your lips and make sure your smile reaches your ears and say “I hail from SIRSA and It’s a wonderful place to be, have you ever been to Sirsa?”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lost in the city

It all started with me going for an evening walk with a school time friend, We were in middle of a conversation of how have we evolved both as individuals both personally and professionally. Though we both had different arguments to every question however we seemed to agree on one thing “ no matter how much we earn we will always want more”. Suddenly we saw something that we hadn’t noticed anytime. There is a large footpath we were walking on and I saw that one side of the footpath was lined with makeshift “Chullahs” and most of them were occupied by poor families who were trying to cook a decent meal for their respective families.

Unlike my home’s kitchen which is filled with laugter and endless discussions of what would be cooked, The chullah’s had an errie silence attached to them, There was no laughter around them, children seemed to huddle around with dreams in their eyes that maybe they will sleep with a full stomach tonight, Unlike children from well to do families who sometimes throw food tantrums (I’m ashamed to admit that I have been and will always be one to do the same) they seemed to be at peace with their inner self about food.

I walked a little further and realized that it’s a different world out there, While sitting in my air conditioned car and whizzing past luxury cars little do we realize that life exists beyond the safe environs of our homes. A lot of people around us lived in penury and we are so busy that we fail to realize that this is a life that many people live.

I tried sitting at a distance and watched them carefully, most of them din’t talk while eating, they had a sad expression on their face and with my limited wisdom it felt as if they are enjoying their meal as if it was their last. The most disturbing part was the fact that no one asked for a second helping, suddenly it stuck me that most of metrosexuals as I like to call my gang of friends have short lived tempers, they would be enraged in case they are not properly served at their homes or at an eatery, how come children of the same god had a different attitude.

A small child was eating a small plain roti and it seemed that he had befriended a stray dog, even though that roti wouldn’t have been sufficient for any one of them still the lad had the courage to share the same with him. Some of the men rose up after dinner and seemed to move towards a construction site nearby, I gathered all courage and asked one of them what were they doing at the construction site and he replied that he worked at the site.

It felt strange to realize that even though they are trying to give their best for someone’s dream they would be devoid of a permanent roof once this structure is completed, my thoughts drifted for a moment and It seemed daily wagers across industries share the same fate, their maybe working in a car manufacturing plant but they will never earn enough to buy the same car, Some of them worked in the best restaurants in the city and make sure every kid’s birthday is a memorable one for everyone in their family. Yet their kids would never be able to celebrate their birthday’s in such a style.

This realization has made me realize the fact that I may not be able to give them anything in life, a smile and respect is the least that I can give to them. They are people made of a different material alltogether

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to College (Bucket list)

"Back to college" Well Well Well..this is a topic i have been trying to think/strike off from my conscience since a long long time..though none of midnight talks shared with Sonia (my best half), Sid, DK, pankaj have ended conclusively but it seems that most of my friends (or call them IT weary homo sapiens who just don't want to give in to the fact that they are neither engineers nor managers now) are vying to go back to college.

I know most of these guys well and i can easily say that they are simple people and they love their simplicity but to the outside world they have been and they will always be rockstar's whom people idolize and immortalize/epitomize in their dreams. So in order to maintain that so called social lead/Stature all of us are trying to become something which we are not and never intend to become. Most of us except for my best half intend to join a b school and we have been silently acknowledging this fact, Though We fearlessly say/feel that we dont need a B-School but deep inside our hideous minds we know that this is something that is inevitable in the near/far future.

My reasons of doing an MBA and going back to college are simple yet complex and can easily perplex the best minds of the world, Even though i can play well with words but somehow i fail to answer the simple question "Why MBA", I do not intend to break any glass ceilings by doing the same. People who know me without my usual charm in place know that i barely managed to make it in time the last time i went to college. I think Divyank/Richa/KV and would know really well how i made it thru :) (cheers guys i still love u for what u did for me)

Anyways i do not want to waste time on what and how will i go back to B-School because that entails facing the fact that I might not be cut for the same and I'm not willing to face this music which burns my dreams. Today i gather my Wish List of what i would do when i return to college this time:

1.I want to Study this time and be serious this time. (Lol i can hear the accusatory halo in my ears but for the sake of this blog i still wrote that down)
2.I want to lead all academic initiatives this includes standing for the Class representative elections and rigging the same (Sid help me with this part)
3.I want to be a CONSULTANT when i sit for my campus interviews(Aditya Sharma i can see u Smiling)
4.I want to be Mr Fresher and Mr fareWell this time around ( Bharat gupta and Ankush Datta please excuse this time)
5.I want to Clear All exams in first attempt (Divyank this is one think which i want to do for both of us)
6.I Want to attend all booze parties and try to drink ( Sonia try skipping this part :))
7.Last but not the least, I want to drive a landi jeep everyday to college (Udit u heard it rite)

Guys MBA or no MBA i guess its high time we start enjoying the finer things in life..I have decide to do MBA even from IIPM or Rai university what matters is not MBA but my bucket list this time :) :)

Please feel free to add anything that i should be doing this time around..