Friday, November 27, 2009

People leave companies not companies.Really?

Recently read a blog from one of my industry seniors.
I think the concept of leaving an organization is pretty simple and there is no rocket science involved in the same. My own career has been a testimony of my ever evolving needs (Read GREED) over a period of time. But the basic question is what does or who does a person acknowledge as a manager?
· Is it someone who assigns some work/duty/role to you?
o Ahh naah that guy is giving me work only because he was here before I came. He is no good..he’s stuck here and is a loser…look at me I’ve come at the same level in 2 years..kudos to me..soon this bugger will start reporting to me…and this is myth that dies its natural death.. J
· Is he someone whom you have to keep updated about your leave plans?
o Sir please approve my leaves I’m going home after 6 months..(god he is so hard hearted..he stays in office till late…no wonder nobody loves him at his place..and he thinks he is doing me a favor..)
· Is he someone who sits in your appraisal discussion once/twice an year depending upon the HR policy of an organization?
o Trust me I’ve done what no one has done in the team before…ah Haan dude everyone says the same…. But I remember you not wishing me on my anniversary...shit I should’ve called he’s got a razor sharp memory… L
Well I guess it’s a mix and match of all the above questions. Now comes up the golden question what a manager can do to stop attrition:
· Don’t make false promises…I’ll send you onsite within the next 6 months… detest from these things…Remember when you are a manager you essentially are a loner at the will have colleagues/subordinates/acquaintances and not friends in office..This guy will be calculating 6 months the minute you utter those words. Just in case you don’t keep your words you will be the laughing stock of your subordinates.
· Don’t try to give/promise him anything out of the turn…”I’m promoting you”...remember you are not the CEO of this company and you are answerable to HR and the rest of the junta who are ready to pounce once you commit something like that.
· Be crystal clear in your communication…don’t have two answers for the same questions..example ram and sham are both eligible for a promotion but HR has a policy of promoting only one. In that case be clear in communication….Off course it goes beyond doubt that if Ram gets promoted he loses sham who was a friend…and thus is born Sham who makes his resume look good on
· Try I repeat/write/type “TRY” to become friends with anyone and everyone who is a subordinate…remember you had tough days when you were at his stage..have the human angle alive always.. Mr Manager look into the eyes of the man standing with folded hands in front of you. Will you ever be able to make eye contact again?
· Last but not the least be OPEN to change…Let go of people as your subordinates when they leave for greener pastures..the only way you get remembered is the way how you meet/greet people when he is no longer part of your project team…make him feel as if he is always welcome to join back.
I guess this is the kind of gyaan I have acquired over a good period of time. I might want to revisit this once I become a manager…(God please please please make it faster and swifter) J..i would like to invite one and all to add any comments that would add value to this discussion…
carpe’ diem
P:S- Dear KK my apologies for copying and pasting the title from your blog.